HBC Sports & Rehab Therapy

New Patients
Booking an Appointment
The best way to book an appointment is to message me on 07545556042
I might not be able to answer the phone straightaway, due to being with another client, should this happen please leave a voicemail or send a text message with your contact details and I will return your messages as soon as I am free. * Please note it can take up to 24 hours to respond.
Appointment Times:
What to bring to your first appointment
Wear comfortable clothes;
If your problem is related to your legs, hips or lower back, please bring a pair of shorts.
Ladies, if your problem is related to your upper back, neck , shoulders or head, please bring along a vest or strappy/sports top.
Changing your appointment
I do understand things happen in life where you need to change or cancel your appointment, I am happy to do this providing there is a 24 hours notice period with a no cancellation fee. If you cancel with less than "4 hours or do not attend your appointment you will be charged for the session.